Supporting Your Research & Providing Support

Supporting Your Research & Providing Support

January 7, 2019 0 By Anna Bayala

I have seen an unfortunate pattern in genealogy research, the constant request of “Where do I find records for my family?”. Unfortunately,, many do not look in the most obvious place, the local genealogical society. Many islands do have these societies and some even have membership fees to support the organization in maintaining their existence. Throughout many hurricanes, especially Maria, they remain intact. However, some may wind up losing existence but only because many people want information but do not want to join them.

Case in point, Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Genealogía. I am sure many do not realize they exist or think it may cost too much. However, as of this posting, membership costs $50 annually for an individual or $70 annually for a family. This is approximately 14 cents per day, individual membership or 19 cents per day for a family.

With this membership, you receive two magazines per year with articles written by researchers. In addition, you gain access to transcribed records such as church books for Cabo Rojo.

You can join by clicking on one of the links below and in addition, you’re able to view what they have in their list of documents. Most importantly, the society has many books that they have sold, including the book on the Flores family which I did purchase. I hope that all who visit my website consider in doing this to support the society. Currently, I am not a member which is why I felt no obligation to post this but thought it would help all, including the society.